green mountain coffee environmental responsibility
The company considers itself a steward, responsible for helping to preserve the Earth's natural resources for future generations and their history of socially responsible business and corporate decisions reflect their commitment to making the world a better place for us all. It is a key concept that has been part of the company's core commitment and values from the time when it was housed in a tiny storefront café. For Green Mountain, social and environmental responsibility is not a trendy marketing move. In a time and age when 'environmentally responsible' has become the latest buzzword in marketing for many corporations, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters of Vermont is refreshingly different and sincere.For 25 years, we have been on a deliberate journey to create and sustain a values-driven company that views profit as a means to achieve a higher purpose.In 1986, Green Mountain introduced its first Organic coffee, and in 1989, the company's Environmental Committee developed Earth-Friendly coffee filters that are dioxin free. In 1984, the employees - less than ten at the time - began informally taking on environmental projects, including a recycling program. In an open letter written in 2006, Green Mountain president Bob Stiller talked about the evolution of that commitment, starting as early as 1983, when the little café in Rutland, Vermont decided that composting was a socially conscious decision - and the right thing to do. Green Mountain has taken that commitment seriously, starting small and growing their responsibility to the planet as the company has grown.
That higher purpose is, simply stated, to leave the world a better place for having been here. Thus begins Green Mountain Coffee Roaster's statement of corporate responsibility.
Fair Trade and Sustainable Coffee
Fair Trade and Sustainable Coffee
The company's production plant has been certified organic since 1997, and they remain committed to offering high quality, completely organically grown coffee as a major part of their offerings. for two years running. Each step on the path may have seemed small at the time, but each step has built on the ones that came before to make Green Mountain Coffee Roasters one of the Top 100 Most Socially Conscious Corporations by Business, Inc. Over the years, Green Mountain and their corporate officers have made decisions in keeping with the company's overall mission.
Responsible Energy Use, and More
Responsible Energy Use, and More
The accomplishment has been recognized by the Specialty Coffee Association of America, who awarded the 2007 Sustainability Award to Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. Green Mountain estimates that their new cups have kept over half a million pounds of petrochemicals out of landfills so far. Unlike most coffee cups, which use petroleum products for water-proofing, the Green Mountain cups are made entirely of natural and renewable materials. In a similar manner, Green Mountain's recognition that disposable coffee cups lead to increased solid waste led to the company's development of an eco-friendly disposable paper coffee cup.
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