Monday, December 8, 2008

Weight Loss and Coffee: Is Your Favorite Cup of Coffee Making You Gain Weight?

The sizes vary from 10 to 32 ounces and are often prepared with milk, cream, hydrogenated oils, fats, added sugars, and syrups in addition to the coffee making them much higher in calories than you might expect. Whether you live in a small city or large metropolitan area, you will find coffee shops on every corner and often in your workplace makes it more convenient than eating breakfast. There is no shortage of coffee houses in the U.S.

To top that off, the sugar and caffeine combination can end up stimulating your appetite leading Plus the sugar consumption can lead to blood sugar surges that can cause the body to store more calories as fat. Plus the sugar consumption can lead to a gradual weight gain over time averaging about 20 pounds per year. Plus the sugar consumption can lead to a gradual weight gain over time averaging about 20 pounds per year. Plus the sugar consumption can lead to a gradual weight gain over time averaging about 20 pounds per year. This kind of calorie increase can lead to a gradual weight gain over time averaging about 20 pounds per year. The researchers found that the gourmet coffee drinkers had a 206 calorie increase in a typical day and a 32 gram higher sugar intake than the non-gourmet coffee drinkers. The researchers found that the gourmet coffee consumption of 165 women attending Simmons College in Boston, MA. The researchers found that the gourmet coffee consumption of 165 women attending Simmons College in Boston, MA. A recent study analyzed the gourmet coffee consumption of 165 women attending Simmons College in Boston, MA. How is the advent of gourmet coffee affecting weight?

The recommendation for sugar consumption is 12 teaspoons or less per day. Oh, and just for reference, 250 extra calories per day will lead to a ½ pound weight increase in a year. Here is a list to give you an idea. Wonder how many calories and sugar grams are in your favorite drinks?

Regular coffee drinks:

Regular coffee drinks:

Medium brewed coffee - 10 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15 calories, 0 grams sugar Medium Caffe Americano - 15

Now for the gourmet coffees:

Now for the gourmet coffees:

Medium Caffe Latte - 260 calories, 19 grams sugar (5 tsp) Medium Caffe Mocha - 400 calories, 33 grams sugar (8 tsp) Medium Caramel Apple Cider - 410 calories, 68 grams sugar (17 tsp) Medium Caramel Macchiato - 310 calories, 34 grams sugar (9 tsp) Medium Hot Chocolate - 350 calories, 40 grams sugar (10 tsp) Medium White Chocolate Mocha - 510 calories, 55 grams of sugar (14 tsp)

If you are trying to manage you weight then it is best to keep gourmet coffee drinks to a once in awhile treat rather than an every day habit. Gourmet coffee drinks are good, but the reality is they are equivalent to eating a dessert. There is no doubt about it.


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