Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coffee: Bean Storage Issues

There is much debate over how people should store their coffee beans. This article hopefully address some of these issues for you in a clean cut and straight forward manner.

So you've read a great article in your local town's newspaper telling you of all the benefits of home ground and made coffee. So you took the insights found in the article and went ahead and bought some coffee beans of all varieties, from Vietnamese, to Jamaican, and others.

But the question now is, how are you going to store all of these coffee beans without causing it them to suffer in quality and taste? Unfortunately it is widely practiced where coffee beans are stored in a freezer in hopes to retain it's freshness.

However the opposite normally holds true. The best environments to preserve beans are in a dark, moisture-free, and cold place. The problem with freezers is that it doesn't fulfill the moisture-free criteria. Placing your unused coffee beans in a freezer will result in it's natural oils being tarnished and even destroyed as a result of the surrounding moisture seeping in.

Your best bet is to not buy in bulk, but to buy in smaller quantities. An amount that you can finish in a week in other words.

Superb coffee thermos products can be requested from our web site.

Superb coffee thermos


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